Guiding principals for navigating perimenopause, a time of transition that precedes menopause. Understanding Symptoms, Treatment Options, and Empowering Women’s Health.
The Holiday Season is approaching so I thought that for this month’s post I would talk about ways that we can avoid hangovers.
We are gaining a better understanding of the life-prolonging genes that are involved in how we age and how we might regulate those genes up or down as needed.
Some Things to Think About As We Enter Cold/Flu Season
Septembers’ posts are supposed to be about Immunity. Technically, this post IS about Immunity. Technically.
Alert readers of my most recent post will recall that I finished by saying that Take-home Messages #2 and #3, which deal with the topic of what to eat to stay healthy and fit when you are on the high side of sixty, would have to wait until this post.
There will be three take-home messages from this post; they are definitely geared toward people who are on the high side of sixty and they (the messages) have been distilled from my observations, personal experience and some research.
If you partner with an Integrative/Functional Medicine practitioner to improve your health, sooner or later (probably sooner) you are going to wind up talking a lot about steroid hormones.
Many Canadians have fond memories of summer days and nights spent on the shore of a lake, beside a river or creek, on a houseboat or maybe even on the shore of an ocean.
As threatened in the last post, now I’m going to discuss some technology which can improve the appearance and texture of skin, particularly sun-damaged/aged skin. This could be referred to as “facial rejuvenation” or more specifically, “non-surgical facial rejuvenation.”
Appropriate sunscreen, used correctly, accompanied by specific supplemental antioxidant nutrients, in tandem with nutrition to support healthy skin and bolstered by steroid hormone balancing, seems like a rational approach: the downside is that it also makes for a long sentence.
The featured image for this post is a ball and stick model of a histamine molecule and alert readers will recall that histamine featured prominently in Part 1 of our discussion of Seasonal Allergies