Appropriate sunscreen, used correctly, accompanied by specific supplemental antioxidant nutrients, in tandem with nutrition to support healthy skin and bolstered by steroid hormone balancing, seems like a rational approach: the downside is that it also makes for a long sentence.
The featured image for this post is a ball and stick model of a histamine molecule and alert readers will recall that histamine featured prominently in Part 1 of our discussion of Seasonal Allergies
It’s That Time of Year Again: Seasonal Allergies. Spring brings sneezing, sniffling, watery, itching eyes, and worsening asthma.
Let’s start off by replaying the definition of Inflammaging from the previous post: chronic, low-level, non-sterile inflammation that is widespread (systemic) in the aging individual.
The posts this month are going to deal with two topics related to what is referred to as Inflammaging.
As threatened, this post will talk about Dr. Bredesen’s approach to dementia/declining cognitive function.
Are your biggest concerns around growing older, the fear of developing Alzheimer’s or Dementia? Let's talk about a great way that you can assess your cognitive function in conjunction with your Integrative Medicine practitioner.
Wrapping It Up: Hormones and Vaginal/Sexual Health
Here at the EvolveWell clinic, Sexual Health has been designated as the official clinic theme for the month of February.
When I was starting out as a Family Doctor, I learned several key nuggets of wisdom that I never forgot, from working with/talking to a couple of practitioners with decades of experience.
Vaginal health encompasses both the vaginal and the vulvar tissues with specific complaints such as dryness/lubrication of tissues, appearance/tone of tissues (thinning, atrophy, sagging, laxity), diminished sexual function/satisfaction, muscle spasm and stress urinary incontinence.
Well, the busy, stressful holiday season has begun and I have been tasked with writing about Stress Reduction for this month’s posts.